Nelso London is an offline map and city guide for business travelers and tourists.
* Offline Maps - Find locations on our detailed map, and plot your current location, without going online. Save money on roaming charges. No data connection is required to use the app.
* Comprehensive - Contains more than 3,500 listings in over 200 categories, and 2,800 (!) photographs. Extensive coverage of all the popular tourist attractions.
* Advanced Search - A complete search engine is built into the app. Easily find what youre looking for, and how to get there. Use the search filters to find just places we recommend, or just places open now (useful if youre out late or up early).
* Includes London subway map
* Ideal for WiFi iPad and iPod Touch - Because all of the information and maps are stored in the app, you dont need 3G or LTE while on your trip.
Wed like to hear your feedback, feature requests, and ideas. Send us email at [email protected]